Klose's Kitchen

Hey there! My name is Tyler Klose. Welcome to Klose's Kitchen!

I began playing pickleball June 2022 and quickly became addicted to the sport. Quite frankly, addicted would be an understatement.

I'm a competitor at heart and cannot stand losing. For me, losing fuels my motivation to continue to get better.

Recently, I've become a lot more confident in my game and tested my skills at my first tournament in Randolph, NJ back in February 2023.

I signed up in 4.0 men's tournament with a new partner and went in there confidentally believing we'd make a splash. We won our first game in a three game series 11-1 and we were feeling pretty damn good about ourselves.

Then we lost the next two in the series.

Then we lost the elimination game 8-15.

Done. Quick.

Since then I've had a bit of a chip on my shoulder and I want to train to be the best pickleball player I can be. Simply playing two to three hours of rec per day is not enough for me to get to where I want to be.

Klose's Kitchen will encompass everything I am focusing on in order to go from a 3.75 to a 4.5 player by the end of Summer 2023.

Not only will I have content catered towards pickleball, you will find helpful resources and tools centered around fitness, nutrition, footwear, and more.

Hint: I am also a really talented software engineer and I am looking forward to building the best technology in the pickleball industry.

Follow me on Instagram and Twitter using the links below to stay updated on the latest!

P.S. I am selling aprons. They look really awesome and will make a perfect holiday gift for your pickleball-addicted baking afficionado.

Visit the shop!

I can't wait to show y'all what I'm working on,
Tyler Klose