Disclaimer: this post contains profanity

This is exciting. I'm in the process of creating my first LLC.

Klose's Kitchen.

I have to admit that seeing it written on a legal document made me smile from ear to ear. I guess I'm officially a business owner. It's still so early, but I'm still super excited about where this journey is going to take me.

As I've moved through my twenties, my ideas of being successful have changed slowly, but surely. Early on, it was a fairly shallow goal: having what some people define as "fuck you money" -- which is enough money to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Fresh out of college, I would have called falling short of that a failure. Today, I have a slightly different take on what success for me is.

Being a creator is what is most important to me. I like to let my mind run wild and work on whatever is motivating me in that very moment. I need that freedom, otherwise, I'll fall into a state of depression where I simply cannot get going on anything at all.

If I can help it, I don't see myself working for anyone but myself long-term. Creating this LLC is the first step in that direction. I may not be independent in 2023 or 2024, but within the next decade, I would like to be the one creating opportunities for myself and other hardworking people around me.

I'll grind my ass off to get to that point. I have a few projects lined up that lean into my professional experience of being a web developer. Some are paid in cash, some are paid in equity. I plan to continue to leverage my skills to pick up work that motivates me and allows me to live the life I want. Right now, it's to spend as much time training pickleball as my body will allow me. I want to spend as much time helping other people improve their game so they can whoop their friends' butts that next Sunday morning.

Pickleball is one of the few addictions that's actually good for you. Unless it's the winter, then it's bad for your financial health because court time can really add up. But as the weather gets warmer and we all get out to the courts, we're going to be exercising and socializing more than ever. The combination of the two is really good for both mental and physical health.

If you live in or near Monmouth County, New Jersey, and are looking for lessons, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, and I will do anything I can to get you into my schedule. I'm based in Asbury Park but often play in Manasquan (The Atlantic Club), Ocean (Park Ave Tennis Center), Shrewsbury (New Shrewsbury Racquet Club), and of course outdoor in Tinton Falls (Wardell).

If you don't live anywhere near me but simply want to chat anything pickleball, please DM me. I'll talk anyone's ear off about why a dink to a lob or a dink volley lob is one of the most lethal shots in the game.